AI tools can transform the entire marketing production process, helping marketing teams make data-driven decisions about what to write, who to write for, and how to reach readers as effectively as possible. Tools like Smart Compose from Gmail are already producing short-form content that replicates a human tone.

Does this mean that robots will be writing the content you enjoy reading every day?

Not necessarily.

Currently, AI is being used primarily in content production planning stages. For example, tools that can dynamically cluster relevant content topics can help marketers identify actionable opportunities.

Some tools help marketers navigate changes occurring in search engines and social media algorithms. Staying on top of the latest trends and changes can ensure that marketers are continually creating and delivering quality content that will also rank high in search results.

AI is Already an Essential Part of Content Marketing

Anyone who doesn’t recognize or acknowledge the role AI plays in content marketing is not paying attention. Consider how intelligent content marketers are leveraging AI technology in their fields.

Understanding how algorithms work

We wouldn’t even need content marketing if it wasn’t for AI tools like Google’s algorithms that determine what content is exceptional and what content should be on page 300 of search results. It was relatively easy to rank on Google by stuffing keywords into a blog post or web page somewhat randomly in its early days. As the algorithm has gotten smarter, content marketers have learned the value of delivering quality content that is useful for readers, not just full of keywords haphazardly thrown around.

Create customized omnichannel experiences

More recently, content marketers have been using AI to target specific audiences. By implementing AI into your website, you can track individual users to create personalized content experiences for them. Companies that deliver customized content for different audience types can interact with customers on a more personal level, which can result in greater engagement and more growth opportunities. Using AI technology on all your channels improves your ability to track audiences and deliver a seamless omnichannel experience to them.

Improve content

AI might not be able to write long-form content adequately yet. It has, though, proven to be useful for editing content. Apps like Grammarly go a step beyond finding grammatical errors and typos to provide helpful suggestions to improve how your content sounds. Content creators can use Grammarly and other AI-powered apps to improve their content.

Is AI the Future of Content Marketing?

This is a controversial question. Naturally, content creators and marketers don’t want to consider a world in which machines replace their hard work. However, as AI gets smarter, we may see a day when robots take over writing SEO-driven content.

That doesn’t mean that all writing will fall to machines, though. Computers are still unable to feel and process emotions, which means that certain writing types that rely on an empathetic, emotional reader will likely always need to be written by a human.

Instead of removing the human element from content marketing, AI will enhance it. Content marketers that leverage AI tools will deliver more personalized experiences to users now and in the future.