It’s How NASA’s AI Works to Discover Craters

There’s still a lot we don’t know about Mars, but thanks to technology, we’re getting a better idea of what’s on the planet. This is due, in part, to the use of AI to help classify craters that have been found on the red planet.

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data science

Using Deep Learning to Control Unconsciousness Level of Patients in an Anesthetic State

May 02

Anesthesia has been a part of medicine since the 1800s and has become an essential part of healthcare. Thanks to anesthesia, doctors can perform more invasive procedures that can save lives and improve our livelihood. Even something as ordinary as getting a root canal can be made better with the help of sedation.

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Could AI Fully Replace Human Financial Traders?

Mar 23

The financial industry has seen a considerable increase in use cases for AI in recent years. In particular, the world of trading has become dominated by AI, forcing companies to reconsider what the future of stock trading will look like and whether there is room for human-financial-traders at all.

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A Multi-Channel Approach to Using AI in Finance

Mar 03

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already made a significant impact in the world of finance as more banks recognize the value it brings for their bottom line and their customer’s safety. It will continue to do so as new technologies emerge.

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machine learning

COVID-19 scenario planning using Artificial Intelligence

Feb 25

With over 6 million confirmed cases worldwide, the global COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on our day-to-day lives. The main reason for this is that — in order to minimize the spreading of the virus — governments from all over the world had to implement drastic measures. These include shutting down schools and shops, canceling large public events, and even going in a full-blown lockdown at some stage during this crisis.

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machine learning

What Are The Challenges of Using AI For Citizens And Immigration Services

Feb 02

Governments worldwide have started embracing AI technology and how it can help them serve their citizens. With AI, government agencies and departments can become more efficient as they work to provide their citizens with access to resources and information to improve their lives.

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data science

Is AI Already an Essential Part of Content Marketing?

Jan 21

AI tools can transform the entire marketing production process, helping marketing teams make data-driven decisions about what to write, who to write for, and how to reach readers as effectively as possible. Tools like Smart Compose from Gmail are already producing short-form content that replicates a human tone.

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Robotic AI Learns to be Spontaneous

Jan 09

We know that AI robots operate based on information they learn from humans. But what happens when they start acting spontaneously, without needing any stimulus or prompting from humans?

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Curling Robot Beats Top-Ranked Human Teams

Dec 29

The sport of curling has a new champion, marking a big win in the world of AI machines. Curly the robot is an AI robot who recently defeated top-ranked human curling teams. It was developed by a joint German and South Korean research team.

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Stressed on the Job? Maybe Your AI Teammate Can Help

Dec 16

Everyone feels stressed at work from time to time. What if, instead of turning to your co-workers, family, or friends for support, you could turn to a machine?

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